Photographer, Director, Exec Producer, Doug Segars @dougsegars
Client, Puma @puma
Producer, Nandi George @parisstokyo
Dir of Photography, Fran Rios @frank___rios
Digi Tech, James Gerrish @spookyjones_
1st AC, Tom Fenaille @tomfenaille
1st Lighting Assistant, Will Takahashi #WilliamTakahashi
2nd Lighting Assistant, Xilola Gaipova @hilola
3rd Lighting Assistant, Mylo Butler @mylo__b
4th Lighting Assistant, Ike Essilfie-Obeng @edeani
Wardrobe Stylist ,Cornelius Lafayette @corneliuslafayette
Stylist Assistant, Kadeem Rowan Harper @kadeemrowanharper
HMU, Kaiya Carlin @kaiyacarlin
HMU, Assistant Alyssa Zabawa @alyssazabawaa
Art Assistant, Kaishon Way @itsasad
Production Assistant, Al-Akhir Fletcher @kaishon_
Model, Evan Tima @sainttima
Model, Ismael @brioislife
Editor, Joe Lee @fuzzy_cheeks
Colorist, Sean Dunckley @sean_dunckley
Retouching, Xi Chen @axis___studio
Location, Schomburg Center @schomburgcenter
Director, Marketing – Brand Heat & Culture, DaLeyna Adkinson @iamdaleyna
Senior Brand Strategist, Ariel Weekes @binkloves
Senior Art Director, Nico Reilly
Art Director, Patso Dimitrov @pvtso
Planning & Production Manager, Music and VO Composer, Samuel Dapper @samdapper
Freelance Art Assist, Kaela Anderson @kaelander_
Freelance Copywriter, Phil Johnston @apollothearcher
Voiceover Talent: @schomburgcenter